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FX TD Reel

FX TD Reel
FX TD Reel

FX TD Reel

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Pipeline TD Reel

Pipeline TD Reel

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VFX Generalist Reel

VFX Generalist Reel

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Matchmove and Layout

Matchmove and Layout

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  • Procedural Corals OTL
    The Procedural Coral OTL generates acropora corals on the terrain specified on its input. It comes with complete control, from the amount of clusters of corals, to the color, density, length and width of every individual coral and it's subcomponents. It has an option for working with lines and low res geo while modifying the parameters. The whole setup can then be fused into high resolution geometry using VDB. Finally, it has an option to animate the corals as if they were affected by currents. Download from GitHub
  • Packed Transform Points OTL
    The Packed Transform Points OTL applies the transformation from the points of the second input by modifying the packed primitives intrinsic attributes. It's very useful for transforming alembic geometry without the need of having to unpack them and store the geometry in the IFD for every frame. This way it only references the static geometry and applies the transformation of the points without writing the geometry every frame. Download from GitHub
  • Transform Points OTL
    The Transform Points OTL takes static geometry on it's first input and applies the transformations from the points of the second input. By default, it matches the geometry and the points by their name attribute. Download from GitHub
  • Extract Transform OTL
    The Extract Transform OTL calculates the transformations of non-deforming geometry and outputs a point representing every piece with it's corresponding transform. It stores the orientation in the N and Up. It can extract the transform of every piece specified by an attribute, or by connectivity. It can also check to make sure the points used to calculate the transforms aren't collinear. Download from GitHub
  • Reset Transform OTL
    Cool stuff coming soon!
  • Nuke Merge OTL
    The Nuke Merge OTL replicates the behavior of the Nuke Merge node in the Houdini VOP context. Download from GitHub
  • Copy Values
    This shelf tool has a small PySide2 interface that allows you to select a node and clone the values of it's parameters onto another node with the same parameters. This is especially useful when you copy and paste ramps and parameter nodes from one VOP to another. Download from GitHub
  • Group VEX OTL
    The Group VEX OTL replicates the behavior of the Group SOP from Houdini 15.5. The whole node is written in VEX making the performance faster than the original Group SOP. It also has the option to group primitives by volumes or objects. In Houdini 16 a new collection of more optimized Group SOPs were introduced, so this OTL is not as relevant anymore. Download from GitHub
  • VEX Snippets
    A collection of VEX snippets that can be saved as presets to speed up common workflows. The snippets include: 1D Anti-Aliased Noise 1D Anti-Aliased Noise Normalized 3D Anti-Aliased Noise Fit value to 0 to 1 Get Min and Max Values Gradient Delete by Distance Lookup next point Peak Random Normals Download from GitHub
  • Custom Render Farm
    I built this custom render tool to render Houdini IFD's over the network. It was only tested on Ubuntu and it comes with tools to setup SSH keys for every user in the network. The whole software is written in Python and is simply a PyQt4 interface for doing command line rendering across the network using SSH. View the code at GitHub
  • Publish Tool
    Cool stuff coming soon!
  • PNG Sequence to MOV
    Cool stuff coming soon!
  • MOV to MP4
    Cool stuff coming soon!
  • Rename Image Sequences
    Cool stuff coming soon!
  • Retime Keyframes
    This script retimes the keyframes of all selected transform nodes when changing FPS. Download from GitHub
  • Change Feather Falloff
    Change the feather falloff value for all of the selected Roto nodes and their shapes Download from GitHub
  • Convert EXR to PNG
    This script automatically creates a Write node for every Read node that has an EXR sequence and saves it as a PNG sequence. Download from GitHub
  • 3DEqualizer to Maya
    The 3DEqualizer to Maya script imports the MEL script generated by 3DE and imports it in a cleaner way by locking the locators and camera, creating a proper image plane and using the dewarped images if they are found. It also scales the display of the cameras and the locators and groups it in an organized way and sets the clipping planes of the new cameras to match the scale of the scene. Download from GitHub


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© 2019 by Jeronimo Maggi

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